Management Team Audits

From time to time, our Clients avail themselves of our Management Audit/Assessment Services.

They do so not because of any perceived failure in their management system, rather because of business demands, and a renewed focus on good Governance.

Management Team Audits

Mentoring as an aid to Management Development

The well managed enterprise not only has a crisp assessment of its human capital but also effective programs for the personal development of its managers. The more senior a manager, the more he or she needs a personally tailored development path and feedback. We are frequently asked to provide customised mentoring to help promising executives achieve their potential.

Mentoring as an aid to Management Development

Recruitment of Women to Board Positions

Among the growing concerns of our clients has been diversity and parity at senior levels of management. This has been fostered by pressure from organizations themselves and from legislators in several countries. At Hightech Partners we have seen these concerns emerge in the technology sector across Europe.

Recruitment of Women to Board Positions